Bright Solutions for Dyslexia
Susan Barton’s excellent website for anyone wanting to know more about dyslexia.
This video is a “Must-Watch” for anyone interested in dyslexia and helping dyslexic people.
Reading Rockets
A large and well done website funded by the National government on all issues surrounding reading instruction. Do a search for “dyslexia” or “brain research.” (It is interesting that this government website fully recognizes dyslexia, but many legislators are trying to take all language about dyslexia as a learning disability out of the laws protecting learning disabled people. Research is showing there are many more dyslexic children than previously thought, and Congress does not want to pay to cover them. Write your congressmen!)
Reading Rockets video “Reading and the Brain: Launching Young Readers”
LD Online
A powerful website for parents and teachers interested in the issues surrounding learning disabilities.
International Dyslexia Association
Click the “Information” tab on this website’s navigation toolbar for many excellent articles and fact sheets.
Florida Center for Reading Research
Great information for teachers, but parents may also find some gems here.
Networks: An Online Journal for Teacher Research
The Power of Two: A Study of the Integrated Reading Method of Peer Tutoring, an article by Carol S. Fitzpatrick, MS